Aloevera benefits for skin care:

* Aloe vera plant relives the burned skin caused by sunburn. 
Try this Aloevera benefit to treat sunburn naturally at home.

* Smooth and glowing skin can be achieved with the help of Aloe vera plant. 

Take advantage of this Aloevera benefit by just rubbing the aloevera gel on your face.

* Aloe vera plants are also helpful in curing blisters, insect bites and any allergic reactions, eczema, burns, inflammations, wounds, psoriasis. This Aloevera benefit is a boon for people who have sensitive skin.

* Try this Aloevera benefit, if you have dry skin. 

You can get normal, smooth and shiny skin with the oil extract of Aloevera plant.

* Healing properties of Aloevera plant make it so beneficial for skin care. 

It helps in restoring skin's natural beauty; this is one of the most important benefits of Aloevera.

* Aloevera plant is an outstanding skin moisturizer.

 It provides oxygen to the cells which strengthen the skin tissues and helps to keep the skin healthy.

* Aloe vera plant is a lively ingredient in a number of different skin care products 

that facilitates to treat a wide variety of different problems of skin.

Aloe vera benefits for acne

Aloe vera plant gel is a lively ingredient in a number of different skin care products 

that facilitates to treat a wide variety of different problems of skin. Home remedies for Acne !

* Aloe vera plant has anti-inflammatory properties that assist in treating acne and pimples. Acne is a skin state in which the sebaceous glands and hair follicles become more active and inflamed and hence produce pimples.

* One should use Aloe vera skin care products consistently to treat acne. Aloevera benefits are utilized mainly to advance the appearance of the skin and can effectively treat acne.

* Aloe vera plant helps to cure acne by healing the scars and redness associated with acne.

* Aloe vera juice can be applied directly to the skin through gels, creams and lotions to cure acne.

Aloevera Benefits of juice

* Drinking Aloe Vera Juice of Aloevera plant on a regular basis replenishes your body naturally with essential amino acids present in Aloevera plant.

* Aloe vera plant includes twelve natural substances that reduce inflammation without any side effects. Aloe vera plants anti-inflammatory benefits include joint and muscle mobility. This is great Aloe vera benefit.

* Aloe vera plant has vitamins including: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin. Drinking a daily dose of Aloe Vera Juicecan enhance body defense system against any kind of oxidative stress.

* Minerals found in Aloe vera plant juice are copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese. One can have a daily dose of minerals just by drinking aloe vera plant juice.

* Aloe Vera plant juice when taken regularly supports digestion by naturally cleaning digestive system. This is a great Aloe Vera benefit for those who suffer from constipation.

* Aloe Vera benefits us with a feeling of well-being, imparting energy and helping to build a healthy body weight.

* Aloevera plant with its immune enhancers supports immune system.

* The oral uses of Aloe Vera plant juice are numerous. Aloe vera benefits in relieving heartburn, arthritis, lower blood sugar levels.

* Aloevera juice helps in strengthens gums and promotes strong and healthy teeth.

* Aloe vera plant juice is a wonderful tonic for the female reproductive system. Aloe vera benefits a woman by rejuvenating her uterus.

* Aloe vera plant gel is useful for healthy hair. Healthy hair is one of the most important Aloe vera benefits. Aloe vera gel can be used to treat dandruff as well as lice. There are several aloe vera shampoos available in the market in self care products range.

* Aloe vera plant juice is also helpful for respiratory disorders. Aloe vera can Those who get frequently attacked by cold, flues, bronchitis, herpes, stuffy noses, and other respiratory disorders, this is a good news for them.

* Aloe vera plant has been found to be favorable in the treatment of diabetes; it lowers glucose levels in the blood.

* Aloe vera plant contains laxative properties, which is effective in relieving digestive tract problems, like stomach aches and heartburn.

Why Aloe Vera is good for us?

If the Diet is Wrong, Medicines are of NO Use.
If the Diet is Right, Medicines are of NO Need.

What is TOXIN?
TOXIN is a chemical substance which is a kind of Slow Poison, a Silent Killer, pushes us towards our early end. Our body can fight with it for a long period of time, say till age of 25, or may by 30, after that body immunity weeks and then it strikes back...boom!

Ask yourself – Am I eating TOXIN? 
If the answer is NO then ask yourself 3 very basic questions

* Am I breathing Air?

* Am I drinking Water?

* Am I eating Food?

* If the answer is YES and as all these are polluted today with verity of Toxin.

Now your answer is probably YES, you are eating Toxin.

Bad Affects of Toxins

1) Unable to absorb Nutrition
* Toxins sticks in Intestine 
* Blocks holes which absorb Nutrition 
* Body suffers nutrition deficiency 
* Body Immunity decreases
* Body catches diseases

2) Shorter Cell’s Life
* Cells are building blocks of our Body 
* Don’t regenerate properly in 2 new Healthy Cells 
* Results into Wrinkles and Patchy skin

Kitchen Sink Theory
* We prepare Food, eat 99%, rest flush in Sink
* After couple of months, the Sink pipe blocks
* What about 99% entering and blocking Intestine with is around 25 feet long.
* When do we clean it? Have we ever cleaned it?
* Fact - No Medicine can clean it!

PM Safety Guard Theory
* Prime Minister is guarded by it’s Security. If this Security is Good and Healthy, no one can attack PM and PM is Safe!
* Same way our Body is protected by its Safe Guards. If they are not Good and Enough, Diseases will attack our Body 
* Our safety guard are Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Enzymes, etc.

Umbrella Theory
* Umbrella saves us from getting wet while Rain. But if we are in our house under roof we will be safer
* Same way Medicines are like Umbrella in Rain, weak in supporting us
* And a Strong Immune System is like a Roof of Concrete, keeping us away from Diseases

So, will Toxin increase or decrease in future?
Definitely increase. So what to do for it?

The answer is Detoxification
Detoxification is the removal of Toxin from our body.

Who needs Detoxification? 
* 10% people are Healthy. Very Low Toxin level. (NO)
* 10% people are Diseased. High Toxin level. (YES)
80% people moving to Diseased. Toxin level increasing (YES)

If these 80% given proper Nutrition they can be moved in Healthy people, and they can stay Healthy for long time.
Do you want to first get Diseased & then start taking Nutrition, or you want to be proactive?
When do we take a Medical/Insurance Policy before/after any miss-happening?
...Give it a thought!

Detoxification - The Aloe Way!
* Aloe Vera is a plant aka “Miracle Plan” & “King Herb”
* Aloe Vera a Natural Detoxifier because of two components in it
  * Lignin (Nature’s best Penetrator. It penetrates deeply inside our body internally/externally and in to Toxins)
  * Saponins (Nature’s Soap with Antiseptic properties and with the help of Water it can flush all Toxin from our body if used regularly)

Cell Regeneration - The Aloe Way! 
* Make Cell Healthy by giving it Nutrition
* Help Cell in living its full life
* Help Cell in regenerating in two new Healthy Cells
* Remove any Damaged Cell
* Cleaner & Smooth Skin

Nutritional properties - Aloe Vera
* Contains 20 Minerals
* 18 Amino Acids
* 12 Vitamins
* 13 Anthraquinones
* 9 Enzymes
& more…total 200+ different compounds

Medicinal properties - Aloe Vera
* Anti-inflammatory
* Anti-fungal
* Anti-bacterial
* Anti-viral
* Antiseptic
* Anti-pyretic 
* Anti-microbial
* Antibiotic
* Anti-oxidant
* Analgesic or Pain killer
* Can clean Residue, Pus, Lifeless Cells from Internal/External Wounds and Ulcers

Aloe Vera is in use from thousands of years
* Alexander-the-Great
* Cleopatra
* Egypt Mummies
* Mahatma Gandhi
& many more

So, now you know why Aloe Vera is so Good for Us!
It has same good effect on Animals as well.

Great Thanks for reading!

Foods for Healthy, Supple Skin

How Water Benefits Your Skin

Few things are as good as water for keeping your skin in shape. Water keeps skin hydrated, reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles. It helps cells take up nutrients and purge toxins. And water improves circulation and blood flow, keeping your skin glowing.The Institute of Medicine recommends nine to 12 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

                                    Selenium for Your Skin

 Selenium is a trace mineral that may help protect skin cells from free radical damage. It may also play a role in skin cancer prevention.Excellent sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, button mushrooms, shrimp, lamb, and fish such as snapper, cod, halibut, tuna, and salmon. Selenium is also found in cooked beef, light turkey meat, oysters, sardines, crab, and whole-wheat pasta.

                                   CoQ10: Coenzyme Q10

 CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant made naturally in your body. However, its production decreases with aging. CoQ10 protects skin and other body cells from the damage caused by free radicals. It's also involved in energy production and basic functioning of cells. Low levels of this antioxidant are found in many age-related illnesses. When used topically, it is reported to improve the appearance of wrinkles and the signs of aging.Rich sources of CoQ10 include fish (such as salmon and tuna), poultry, organ meats (such as liver), and whole grains.

                               Antioxidants for Healthy Cells

Antioxidants prevent or slow the damage done to cells by free radicals. This damage contributes to signs of aging, such as wrinkles and dry skin.Antioxidants can be found in all kinds of foods, especially colorful fruits and vegetables such as berries, tomatoes, apricots, beets, squash, spinach, sweet potato, tangerines, peppers, and beans.

                                Vitamin A for Skin Repair

 Want to steer clear of dry, flaky skin? Grab an orange, a carrot, or a slice of cantaloupe. These fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamin A. Applying vitamin A to the skin appears to improve signs of aging, such as wrinkles. Topical and oral forms of vitamin A are common prescription treatments for acne and other skin conditions, including wrinkles. Other sources of vitamin A include leafy greens, eggs, and low-fat dairy.

                           Vitamin C: Power Over the Sun

Vitamin C helps protect skin from the sun. It also helps undo damage done by free radicals, which destroy skin-firming fibers such as collagen and elastin.Excellent sources of vitamin C include red bell peppers, citrus fruits, papaya, kiwi, broccoli, greens, and brussels sprouts.

                          Vitamin E: Booster of Skin Health

Vitamin E is another antioxidant that may help shield your skin from damage done by the sun. Vitamin E is also an anti-inflammatory and immunity enhancer.Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach, asparagus, olives, and leafy greens in small amounts.

                            Essential Fatty Acids for Your Skin

 Essential fatty acids such as omega-3s and omega-6s help produce your skin's natural oil barrier, keeping dry skin and blemishes at bay. EFAs are necessary fats that help leave skin smoother and younger-looking.Good sources of essential fatty acids include olive and canola oils, flax, walnuts, and coldwater fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel.

                         Healthy Oils for Healthy Skin

 Some oils pack more than essential fatty acids. Good-quality oils like extra virgin olive oil and cold- or expeller-pressed oil are more simply processed than many commercial oils, and so they may help retain more skin-boosting nutrients.These oils may also help lubricate skin and keep it looking and feeling healthy.

                       Green Tea: Antioxidant Powerhouse

Green tea may be the closest thing to a magic elixir that nature can offer for your skin. Green tea helps to stop inflammation, slow DNA damage, and can help prevent the sun from burning your skin.You can find green tea in an abundance of cosmetics, but why not go straight to the source for a green tea boost: your tea pot.


The Surprising Truth About Aloe Vera

You’ve reached for aloe when you’ve spent too much time in the sun. You’ve seen it listed as a ingredient in many of your personal care products. It’s always been there. Simple. Ordinary. Trusted.

There’s a reason aloe vera gel is trusted in products you see every day. And that reason dates back thousands of years. The earliest civilizations revered this extraordinary botanical for its astonishing properties. Its legendary uses have been passed down through time, enhanced by scientific innovation and centuries of experience.

Let aloe surprise you as it:
* Cleanses and supports your digestive system
* Infuses you with energy
* Hydrates your skin
* Soothes and promotes skin renewa
* Supports your immune system
* And so much more

Forever Living Products offers you a complete line of nurturing products based on 100% pure aloe vera gel.  Harvested by hand from our own plantations and immediately stabilized for purity, our aloe enhances your body—inside and out—with products ranging from age-defying facial treatments to delicious, antioxidant rich drinks.

Top 10 Reasons Behind Drinking Aloe Vera Gel

Just imagine slicing open an Aloe Vera leaf and drinking the gel of Aloe Vera straightly from the plant of our firm. Forever Living’s Aloe Vera Gel is as close to the actual thing as you can find and the first of its type to get certification by the International Aloe Science Council (ISAC). Our rich combinations of pulp and liquid gel have given our products as near to nature as possible.

Dr. Peter Atherton has identified 10 reasons behind drinking Aloe Vera Gel of Forever Living. Let me share those reason of drinking Aloe Vera Gel. I believe after reading those reasons you will agree with me that Aloe Vera is a true magical plant.

1. An Amazing Drink for Maintaining Good Health

By consuming the Aloe Vera Gel by Forever Living with all its key components (often now scarce in food) including 19 out of 20 amino acids which are required by our human body and 7 of the 8 necessary ones that cannot be completed, the body is able to acquire sufficient to allow compound enzyme systems to work truly well. This means that our body can function at 100%. The mesh outcome to the individual is a fantastic feeling of well-being. 

2. A Complete Source of Vitamins

Aloe Vera Gel of Forever Living includes a great range of vitamins - still trace components of vitamin B12 which is hardly ever found in plants. Apart from vitamin A, it includes B-group vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid. Most of these vitamins cannot be piled up by the body so we always need to make them up from the food that we eat. What is the superior way than by drinking Aloe Vera Gel of Forever Living on a daily basis while at the same time building up the our body's protection system against oxidative pressure naturally?

3. A Complete Resource of Minerals

There are some minerals found in aloe vera gel contain calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, chrominum, magnesium, sodium, zinc and copper. This is because of the plant tends to grow in land of areas where soils are rich enough in these minerals and its roots are able to soak up and deliver those to us in a very available form.

4. Effects on Gut Flora

Aloe vera gel is recognized as a natural 'balancer' in many areas and nowhere more so than inside the gut where it tends to control a variety of bacteria and yeasts that inhabit it. For example, if a person were to suffer with too much yeast in the gut, regular drinking of Forever Livings’ Aloe Vera Gel would tend to control this overgrowth. The same can be said of the more unfriendly bacteria that can build up in certain situation.

5. Effects on the Musculoskeletal System

Certain elements in the aloe vera gel, such as the salicylic acid and the plant sterols are able to ease the muscles and keep joints fit. Therefore consuming Aloe Vera Gel of Forever Living has a positive effect on the Musculoskeletal system.

6. Increase the Activity of Fibroblasts

Fibroblasts are the specialized cells found in the skin. Their job is to create fibre such as elastin and collagen. These fibres provide the skin its structure and of course, make it look flabby and stretchy. The more you have, the younger your skin looks. Aloe Vera Gel of Forever Living increases the activity of fibroblasts.

7. Effect on the Skin

When they are primarily formed deep in the epidermis, skin cells are rather large and very much lively, but by the time they arrive at the surface after 21-28 days (in normal skin), they are a shade of their previous selves and are transformed into just slight flakes of keratin which ultimately fall off. Aloe Vera Gel of Forever Living supplies the necessary nutrition to feed the basal cells. Therefore the skin remains healthy and is able to carry out its essential functions more efficiently - as well as looking superior!

8. Balance the Resistant System

Among the components find out in aloe vera gel is a long chain sugar (polysaccharide) that is known to have an outcome on the cytokine system - the chemical messengers of the resistant system. Therefore it can work in a way that balances the system and so it can be considered and can be called an immunomodulator. In the United States this sugar has been taken out from aloe vera gel and made into a drug.

9. Assists in Health Digestion

A healthy digestive zone guarantees that nutrients from the food we eat are absorbed into the bloodstream. There is clear, medical evidence that by drinking Aloe Vera Gel of Forever Living the bowel is able to take up these nutrients more efficiently, especially protein. It is also assumed that many other materials are much better engrossed under its affect.

10. Effect on the Gut

Forever Livings’ Aloe Vera Gel has an amazingly beneficial action on bowel function which results in smooth and proficient transit of contents resulting in a softer, bulkier stool, making it easier to pass.

As you know Forever Living is the world leader of producing Aloe Vera Gel. Our Aloe Vera Gel gives you the best solution for keeping your body healthy and fit. These 10 great reasons have already proved that aloe vera gel is the best nutritional supplements available.

A-Beta-CarE supplies the body with vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin E and selenium, powerful antioxidant nutrients that are vital for healthy skin, hair and eyesight. Also helps combat the effects of ageing on the skin and menopause hot flushes.There has been a lot of news lately about the negative effects free radicals have on the human body. Fatigue, ageing, even disease have all been linked to free radical damage.

Antioxidants vs Free Radicals

Forever A-Beta-CarE is an essential formula combining vitamin A and vitamin E, plus the antioxidant mineral Selenium. Antioxidants are vital in the fight against free radicals (chemical molecules that arise from pollutants in the body and damage healthy cells).

Fight off harmful free radicals with this defence combination of selenium, vitamin A and vitamin E.

Now, Forever Living brings you A-Beta-CarE, serious antioxidant ammunition in the war against free radicals! A-Beta-CarE contains vitamin A from beta carotene, selenium, and natural vitamin E, combined in one convenient softgel. Fight against free radical damage with A-Beta-CarE!

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, and cell division. It helps maintain the surface linings of the eyes and the respiratory, urinary, and intestinal tracts. Forever A-Beta-CarE is a specially formulated nutritional supplement that supplies vitamin A to the body in beta-carotene form. The body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A in the small intestine during digestion or when it is needed, leaving a low risk of vitamin A overdose (which can be toxic when taken alone in large doses). Beta-carotene is also a recognized antioxidant, making it an ideal companion for vitamin E and Selenium.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin, is an excellent supplement for healthy skin. It also protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation in the body cells and prevents breakdown of body tissues.


Selenium is a trace mineral and is one of the most powerful antioxidant nutrients known to work synergistically with both vitamin E and beta-carotene. It is beneficial in maintaining healthy skin, hair and good eyesight. Recent research shows that Selenium is important to men’s health.

This combination of nutrients, available all in one convenient product, is one of the most important complements to good health.

  • Helps with skin disorders
  • Promotes circulatory system
  • Powerful antioxidantRecommended 

Daily Intake: one capsule, two times daily.

Forever CardioHealth® with CoQ10 is a special formula designed to mix with our Aloe Vera Gel to provide three important nutritional supports for cardiovascular health. It supports healthy homocysteine levels, supplies co-enzyme Q10to promote efficient metabolism, and provides heart-healthy antioxidants. Simply pour, stir and drink – it’s that easy – and your heart will thank you! Contains soy. 30 individually foil wrapped packets. 

CoQ10 is an enzyme that is produced by the human body and is necessary for the basic functioning of cells, including those of the heart and blood vessels. CoQ10 levels are reported to decrease with age, which is just when we need them most. Forever CardioHealth with CoQ10 provides the extra supply of CoQ10 your body needs. 

Another way Forever CardioHealth supports good cardiovascular function is by helping to maintain healthy homocysteine levels in the blood. The B vitamins in Forever CardioHealth (Vitamin B6, B12, and Folic Acid) have been shown to help keep homocysteine levels in the healthy lower range. This in turn helps support healthy heart and blood vessel function. Forever CardioHealth also contains a selection of herbal extracts (Grape Seed, Turmeric, Boswellia, and Olive Leaf) found in studies to be beneficial for cardiovascular support. To all of the above we have added the heart-healthy minerals magnesium and chromium plus lecithin, known for its blood vessel lubricating and fat-mobilizing properties, and the powerful antioxidant vitamins C and E. 

Now take all this greatness and mix it into your next glass of Aloe Vera Gel for the added benefits found in the miraculous aloe leaf. Just pour, stir, and drink – your heart will thank you! 

  • Designed to dissolve easily in Aloe Vera Gel
  • Provides CoQ10, necessary for basic cell functions
  • Contains heart-healthy herbal extracts, minerals, lecithin, and antioxidant vitamins

Forever CardioHealth® with CoQ10 is a special formula designed to mix with our Aloe Vera Gel to provide three important nutritional supports for cardiovascular health. It supports healthy homocysteine levels, supplies co-enzyme Q10to promote efficient metabolism, and provides heart-healthy antioxidants. Simply pour, stir and drink – it’s that easy – and your heart will thank you! Contains soy. 30 individually foil wrapped packets. 

CoQ10 is an enzyme that is produced by the human body and is necessary for the basic functioning of cells, including those of the heart and blood vessels. CoQ10 levels are reported to decrease with age, which is just when we need them most. Forever CardioHealth with CoQ10 provides the extra supply of CoQ10 your body needs. 

Another way Forever CardioHealth supports good cardiovascular function is by helping to maintain healthy homocysteine levels in the blood. The B vitamins in Forever CardioHealth (Vitamin B6, B12, and Folic Acid) have been shown to help keep homocysteine levels in the healthy lower range. This in turn helps support healthy heart and blood vessel function. Forever CardioHealth also contains a selection of herbal extracts (Grape Seed, Turmeric, Boswellia, and Olive Leaf) found in studies to be beneficial for cardiovascular support. To all of the above we have added the heart-healthy minerals magnesium and chromium plus lecithin, known for its blood vessel lubricating and fat-mobilizing properties, and the powerful antioxidant vitamins C and E. 

Now take all this greatness and mix it into your next glass of Aloe Vera Gel for the added benefits found in the miraculous aloe leaf. Just pour, stir, and drink – your heart will thank you! 

  • Designed to dissolve easily in Aloe Vera Gel
  • Provides CoQ10, necessary for basic cell functions
  • Contains heart-healthy herbal extracts, minerals, lecithin, and antioxidant vitamins

Daily vitamin C has long been associated with good health. Science now provides us with a whole list of benefits derived from this most famous of all vitamins:

  • It is a powerful antioxidant, forming part of the body’s defense system against the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • It is a beneficial supplement for the skin, as it supports the formation of intercellular collagen
  • It is necessary for the maintenance of healthy connective tissue.

Vitamin C is water soluble, and is secreted from the body. Since humans are among the few animals that are unable to make their own vitamin C, we must therefore get it from our food, drinks, and supplements, such as Forever® Absorbent-C®. 

The need for adequate levels of vitamin C is very evident. Science reports that one cigarette destroys 25mg of vitamin C. Stress, medication and environmental factors all heavily deplete the body of this vitamin. A deficiency can result in broken capillaries and bleeding gums. 

Absorbent-C with Oat Bran is an outstanding nutritional supplement.
It combines two vital nutrients into one convenient product.
The bonded matrix composition is a unique delivery system combining 500mg of oat bran with the full 60mg of vitamin C in each tablet
  • .Oat bran aids absorption of vitamin C
  • Powerful antioxidantPromotes healthy skin

FLP has formulated a superior nutritional supplement to take advantage of the latest research, combining both vegetable and fish oils - Omega-3 with Omega-9. It provides a safe and balanced supplement that can favourably support healthy blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. These nutrients serve several functions, including the make-up of the majority of the protective membrane that surrounds every one of our cells and are also used by the body as major building blocks for the creation of body fat, needed in appropriate amounts to cushion and protect our internal organs. Each capsule has an EPA content of 225 mg and 150 mg of DHA and oleic acid.

Essential fatty acids are a great way to promote wellbeing and to help support the body's defences.

Arctic Sea:

  • reduces cholesterol levels and blood pressure
  • helps maintain a healthy heart and skin
  • combats joint pain
  • improves concentration
  • is ideal for children to support concentration and learning

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.          

Our products are dietary supplements, food and cosmetics to be used for general health and wellness, nutrition and to cleanse or beautify our customers. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have or think you may have a medical condition, consult a doctor before using new supplement.                          We may list potential benefits and positive effects of ingredients contained in a product or based on general knowledge of Biology, reading of scientific literature and strudies , as well as personal experience. Natural substances may improve your overall health and appearnace, however, no Natural product is guaranteed or proven to cure any all diseases.   


  1. I came to know many benefits of Aloe Vera Juice through your article.Thank you for providing so much information.Keep updating us.

  2. very informative blog. Lots of benefits are shared here. Thank you for sharing. Renew life digest more
